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Aura Science

TES ammonia over farming regions

CAMNET (in-situ surface measurements) and TES retrievals show consistent dependence on concentration of livestock facilities

Ammonia over North Carolina

number of livestock facilities within 10 km
  • Characterizing emissions is important for understanding secondary aerosol formation and the global nitrogen budget.
  • Animal agriculture accounts for 50-85% of man-made ammonia volatilization in the US.
  • The Chesapeake Bay is likely receiving ammonia deposition from upwind areas with intensive agricultural such as N. Carolina.
  • Ammonia concentrations have large spatial variability: TES can capture this variability

Beer et al., 2008; Shephard, et al., 2010; Henze et al., 2010; Lieven et al., 2010; Pinder et al., 2010
