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Aura Science

2009 Science Observations

reduction of Sulfur dioxide pollution

Aura OMI observes reduction of Sulfur dioxide pollution over China

Chinese sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission controls were given a major strengthening in the 11th Five-Year-Plan.

Air Pollution Controls

Air Pollution Controls

Air Pollution Controls for Summer Surface Ozone as Deduced by OMI

OMI Fires

Air Quality Changes Resulting from Emission Regulations

Regulations have resulted in reduced NOx emissions from major point sources over much of the Eastern US as shown by OMI's Continuous Emission Monitoring System data.

Aura and CALIPSO

Aura and CALIPSO

Combined use of A-train data for improved aerosol characterization

Aura and CloudSat

Aura and CloudSat

Combined use of A-train data for improved cloud study

South American biomass burning

South American biomass burning

OMI observes large decrease of South American biomass burning in 2008

Nitrogen dioxide trends

Nitrogen dioxide trends

OMI NO2 trends: 2007 - 2005 annual means

HIRDLS Cloud Extinction

HIRDLS Cloud Extinction

High thin clouds are difficult to detect from space. The first comprehensive climatology of thin clouds has been developed with the HIRDLS limb viewing infrared radiometer.

OMI Observes Impact from the Gulf Hurricanes

OMI Observes Impact from the Gulf Hurricanes

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused a significant reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions.

Nitrogen dioxide in California

Nitrogen Dioxide Observations in California

Aggressive air quality regulations of emission reductions show results in Aura's OMI imagery.

Sarychev Peak eruption

Sarychev Peak Eruption

The eruption of Sarychev Peak (Kurile Islands) in mid-June 2009 produced a large stratospheric sulfur dioxide cloud that spread rapidly eastward in strong jet stream winds.

OMI Fires

Smoke transported from the California station fire

Aerosol measurements from Aura's OMI instrument