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Aura Science

2004 Science Observations

MLS Water Vapor and Pressure

MLS Water Vapor and Pressure

Time-pressure sections of zonally averaged water vapor mixing ratio, shown as the deviation from the time-mean profile.

MLS HCI - Observations of Antarctic Polar Vortex Breakup

MLS HCI - Observations of Antarctic Polar Vortex Breakup

Maps of MLS HCI in the lower stratosphere (520 K, 20km) detailing the springtime breakup of the 2004 Antarctic vortex.

Solar Proton Flare Affects Mesospheric OH and Ozone

Solar Proton Flare Affects Mesospheric OH and Ozone

Aura MLS has provided first observation of this connection


TES HDO / H20 (Surface- 550 hPa)

HDO measurements tell us about ice cloud formation and evaporation. This is the first map of HDO ever made.

TES Carbon Monoxide

TES Carbon Monoxide

High values of CO near biomass burning regions and NH cities. CO in the upper trop is lofted by convection and fires.

TES Special Observation: Nadir Step & Stare

TES Special Observation: Nadir Step & Stare for Nov 3, 2004

The AIRS-visible images (left) show the TES footprint locations (blue) over a variety of cloud and surface conditions.

Tropospause Fold

Tropospause Fold

View this OMI vs TOMS data imagery of the United States