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TES provides significant constraints on surface CO2 fluxes

TES CO2 and validation data near Mauna Loa

TES CO2 and validation data near Mauna Loa

Problem: Distribution of free Troposphere CO2 is a significant uncertainty in estimating "Top-Down" CO2 surface fluxes owing to transport and mixing errors. The TES sensitivity to lower tropospheric CO2 provides significant constraints on surface CO2 fluxes.

  • Monthly averaged TES CO2 is consistent with validation data after applying the TES observation operator to account for sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to CO2 from 850 to 200 hPa with peak sensitivity at 500 hPa
  • 1.5ppm error for 15ox15ox1month average

TES CO2 data are being used to estimate CO2 surface fluxes

Stephens et al., 2007, Science
Kulawik et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., 2010
Nassar et al., AGU Presentation 2010
